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You are viewing Cheat Codes for The Sims 2 : Bon Voyage System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2007-03-28 00:19:17 Views : 24370 Testing cheats mode Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window. Enter boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true to activate testing cheats mode. This is a very powerful cheat that enables many new things. In Create A Sim, after enabling this code, go into debugmode by pressing [Shift] + N before making a Sim. You now have the following new things in Create A Sim: skin tones, clothing, and some other options such as viewing the skinfilenames. In the game itself, after enabling this code, hold [Shift] and left click on a Sim to have lots of options, such as changing clothes, make your Sim fat or thin, set their aspiration level, etc. This code also can spawn some interesting items, such as the tombstone of L(ife) and D(eath), and family members. Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code then go onto a different family. A strange code will appear at the top right hand corner. If you go onto the Sims' needs, you can click on each one and drag it up or down, whichever desired. You can also increase the skill points of your Sims in the same way. This is useful if you want a promotion, if your Sim is depressed, if you are teaching a toddler to walk, etc. You can also hold [Shift] and click on a Sim. Click on "More", then "Spawn" and create the Tombstone of L and D. You can click on this, then "More" then "Make everyone here friends with me", which helps if you need friends to get promoted, or to complete an aspiration task. Note: When you use the "Testing cheats mode" code and click something, sometimes a thing called "force error" or "POSE" appears. Do not click this, because it can cause problems with your game. If you accidentally click it, you can correct it by clicking the "Reset" button in the window that appears. Enable the boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code then hold [Shift] and click on a mailbox. You will have new options, such as forcing a burglar to rob, know all Sims in the neighborhood (including NPCs and special Sims), force everyone you know to be friends, force pregnancy relations, invite all neighbors over, and more. Also, hold [Shift] and click on a telescope when your person is not doing or preparing to do something. Select the "Debug Abduct" option, and aliens will abduct you once your character starts looking in the telescope. Be careful when using the "Testing cheats mode". Many glitches can occur, such as blocky/scattered picture, being unable to save, return to neighborhood, or quit. In rare cases if you use the code too much, you can lose the ability to travel to community lots. The car/taxi will drive offscreen, then immediately drive back. Cheat mode (command line) Start the game with one of the following command line parameters
Cheat mode Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Postprocessing cheats Use the following case-sensitive codes after enabling the Postprocessing cheats with the boolProp enablePostProcessing true code. Note: Do not enable or use the Postprocessing cheats unless your video card supports pixel shaders.
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